Friday, July 18, 2008

Healthy food...

Actually, Canadian food is the one the things which makes me feel homesick. I often have to eat fast and junk food, because I can’t cook well and I don’t have enough time to study cooking. I understand that junk food and fast food are not healthy, but sometimes I’m too tired of cooking and it’s seems to me easier to go to McDonald’s or something like that to get fast food. And the most important reason is my laziness. In Russia my mom always cooked for everyone in our family, so I got used to not cook. But, anyway I’m trying to avoid eating junk food when it’s possible. In addition, I buy a lot of different kinds of fruits every week, because they have many different vitamins which are needful to keep me in health. Finally, I think that eating healthy food is almost useless without exercising.

Notting Hill

In my opinion, Notting Hill is a pretty good romantic comedy movie with a qualitative playing of actors. But, I don’t think that this movie is worthy to see more than one time, because the plot of this story isn’t unique. It’s nothing to dig up a good example. That’s enough to recollect the “pretty woman” movie with Julia Roberts in a leading role too. Inherently, the plot of this story is very predictable. I’m pretty sure that nobody doubted in happy end. Actually, the book and movie seemed to me pretty interesting just because it was really funny to observe on the playing of utility actors. I think everyone understand what I mean!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The bet.

Once upon a time a young man got a parrot. On the way home he said to parrot: “I want to teach you to speak something.” “You don’t have to teach me because I already can,” the parrot answered. He was so amazed that he made a decision to bring the parrot to the alehouse to show other people his smart pet. “Look, I have a surprising parrot,” he cried. “My pet can speak!” he added. But the parrot kept silent. The young man asked the parrot to say something, but he didn’t say anything. People made a bet ten to one that the parrot can’t speak anything and the young man lost his money. Nothing could make the pet speak. On the way home the man struck the parrot and said him “silly fool! I lost a considerable sum of money.”. “It’s you silly fool!” the parrot answered. “If you really want to win a considerable sum of money, bring me to the alehouse tomorrow again. Make a bet hundred to one and you will win!” he added.

“Try to see beyond your own nose”.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Housework in my childhood.

I remember in my childhood it was only one way to get money, it was housework! But I usually didn’t work for money. Actually, I was pleased to help my mother with housework, because usually we could speak a lot about different topics. I was really interested to get more and more information about anything. My mom taught me something about history, biology and told me a lot of interesting things about our relatives and ancestors. Usually, when I needed some money for something I performed my housework very quickly and sometimes my mom was angry because I didn’t do my duty completely. My duties weren’t so difficult. Usually, I had to do something like putting away the dishes or mopping the floor. In addition, I divided my housework with my older brother, so it made our housework much easier.

Vancouver trip

Today I want to write a little about my Vancouver trip. Two weeks ago I went there with my friends by car. We spend there four wonderful days! We woke up at 4a.m. because we wanted to get to Vancouver as quickly as possible. Actually, it was pretty dangerous decision because there were a lot of deer close to road who tried to cross over the road before sunrise. However, we didn’t pay attention to it. Fortunately, we got to Vancouver without accidents. Besides, we were pretty lucky to have a look at the bears in the freedom! They were three grizzlies and two of them were cubs! A lot of people stopped their vehicles to take some pictures and two of them were police officers! But they gave us just a few minutes and then asked us to continue movement.
Our way took about nine hours to get to Vancouver. The first thing I saw there was terrible traffic which reminded me about my home city, but it turned out that it was only one bad thing in my mind about Vancouver! For me Vancouver is a perfect city to live! There were a lot of things to do and a lot of interesting places to see. Vancouver didn’t sleep at night like Calgary. Actually, after that short trip I’m absolutely certain that Calgary is like a huge boring village which makes me feel homesick. If I have one more opportunity to go to Vancouver, I will go there again!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cell phone sickness...

Actually, it’s pretty difficult for me to write something about any kind of technologies because I’m not interested in it. In my opinion, cell phones should be first of all for making calls to somebody. Any other things are not necessary. I can’t figure out why for some people it’s very important that cell phone should include internet, games, and other kind of entertainments. Mp3 is only one thing which is pretty important for me. Specially, in Calgary when my way takes a lot of time to get somewhere by c-train. I can’t stand when some people change their cell phone almost every month like gloves. They try to pursue a fashion. It seems to me like a sickness. I don’t know really what Canadian people think about that, but I’m certain that a lot of teenagers in Russia are crazy about cell phones. I think the most important criterions at a choosing of a cell phone are reasonable price and good quality.

Can you imagine that crocodile is living in your bathroom?

When I was a child I liked to bring homeless pets home. Once upon a time in our country house was living 2 cats and 6 dogs at the same time! Poor parents! They couldn’t throw them into the street because I really loved them. But when I got a little older my parents explained me that it takes a lot of time and energy to care of every pet. So, we decided to give them to the special shelter for pets. I understood that it’s very difficult to care for a lot of pets, but in any case I was sad. At the age of 10 I started to be interested in rodents. I got one decorative rat and one hamster. They were very friendly with me, but they always started a fight with each other, so they lived in different hutches. It was pretty easy to raise them, so my parents didn’t oppose. Unfortunately, pets like rat and hamster live just a few years. When they died it was strong impact for me, so I didn’t want to have pets any more.

Once upon a time I asked my mom to get a monkey as a pet. “Monkey is no big deal. What about crocodile? There is enough space for him in our bathroom.” she joked