Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Can you imagine that crocodile is living in your bathroom?

When I was a child I liked to bring homeless pets home. Once upon a time in our country house was living 2 cats and 6 dogs at the same time! Poor parents! They couldn’t throw them into the street because I really loved them. But when I got a little older my parents explained me that it takes a lot of time and energy to care of every pet. So, we decided to give them to the special shelter for pets. I understood that it’s very difficult to care for a lot of pets, but in any case I was sad. At the age of 10 I started to be interested in rodents. I got one decorative rat and one hamster. They were very friendly with me, but they always started a fight with each other, so they lived in different hutches. It was pretty easy to raise them, so my parents didn’t oppose. Unfortunately, pets like rat and hamster live just a few years. When they died it was strong impact for me, so I didn’t want to have pets any more.

Once upon a time I asked my mom to get a monkey as a pet. “Monkey is no big deal. What about crocodile? There is enough space for him in our bathroom.” she joked

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