Saturday, July 12, 2008

Vancouver trip

Today I want to write a little about my Vancouver trip. Two weeks ago I went there with my friends by car. We spend there four wonderful days! We woke up at 4a.m. because we wanted to get to Vancouver as quickly as possible. Actually, it was pretty dangerous decision because there were a lot of deer close to road who tried to cross over the road before sunrise. However, we didn’t pay attention to it. Fortunately, we got to Vancouver without accidents. Besides, we were pretty lucky to have a look at the bears in the freedom! They were three grizzlies and two of them were cubs! A lot of people stopped their vehicles to take some pictures and two of them were police officers! But they gave us just a few minutes and then asked us to continue movement.
Our way took about nine hours to get to Vancouver. The first thing I saw there was terrible traffic which reminded me about my home city, but it turned out that it was only one bad thing in my mind about Vancouver! For me Vancouver is a perfect city to live! There were a lot of things to do and a lot of interesting places to see. Vancouver didn’t sleep at night like Calgary. Actually, after that short trip I’m absolutely certain that Calgary is like a huge boring village which makes me feel homesick. If I have one more opportunity to go to Vancouver, I will go there again!

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